珍品 激レア The S-100 BUS Handbook DAVE BUSSKY著 節約 (Bayden Book 1981年 英語版)
The S-100 BUS Handbook DAVE BUSSKY著(英語)の出品です。
本書籍The S-100 BUS Handbook DAVE BUSSKY著は1981年発行分で、 書棚に保管されていたものです。 表紙右側に少し折目が御座います。擦り傷、経年変色が多少御座います。 写真でご確認ください。 また、本文には書き込みなどは御座いません。
S-100 Bus Handbook目次 1. Basic lntroduction to Computers and Microprocessors------------1 2. Binary Mathematics and Boolean Algebra------------------------11 3. Introductory Electronics and Logic Functions------------------17 4. The Basic S-100 Bus and the Computer Mainframe----------------33 5. Computer Memory Systems---------------------------------------40 6. Input/Output lnterfaces for the S-100 Bus---------------------54 7. Peripheral Storage Devices for Microcomputer Systems----------71 8. Programming the 8080 CPU in the S-100 Bus Microcomputer-------91 9. Interfacing the Microcmputer to Real-World Applications------122 10. Troubleshooting the Microcomputer System--------------------139 APPENDIX A.Reference Books and Publications---------------------149 APPENDIX B.Commonly Used Components and Suppliers of S-100Bus SyStems-------------------------------------152 APPENDIX C.Schematic Diagrams of Commonly Used S-100 Bus Boards-------------------------------------160 APPENDIX D.Proposed S-100 Bus Standard--------------------------249 INDEX-----------------------------------------------------------255
The S-100 BUS Handbook DAVE BUSSKY著(英語)の出品です。
本書籍The S-100 BUS Handbook DAVE BUSSKY著は1981年発行分で、
S-100 Bus Handbook目次
1. Basic lntroduction to Computers and Microprocessors------------1
2. Binary Mathematics and Boolean Algebra------------------------11
3. Introductory Electronics and Logic Functions------------------17
4. The Basic S-100 Bus and the Computer Mainframe----------------33
5. Computer Memory Systems---------------------------------------40
6. Input/Output lnterfaces for the S-100 Bus---------------------54
7. Peripheral Storage Devices for Microcomputer Systems----------71
8. Programming the 8080 CPU in the S-100 Bus Microcomputer-------91
9. Interfacing the Microcmputer to Real-World Applications------122
10. Troubleshooting the Microcomputer System--------------------139
APPENDIX A.Reference Books and Publications---------------------149
APPENDIX B.Commonly Used Components and Suppliers of
S-100Bus SyStems-------------------------------------152
APPENDIX C.Schematic Diagrams of Commonly Used
S-100 Bus Boards-------------------------------------160
APPENDIX D.Proposed S-100 Bus Standard--------------------------249